December 31, 2008

Canon PowerShot SD990 IS

Quality and beauty in a small body

THE $399.99 CANON POWERSHOT SD990 IS packs a lot of power and beauty into a small body. Boasting a staggering 14.7 megapixels, this shooter is everything an amateur photographer could dream of.

The SD990's curvy body is both attractive and strong, Weighing 5.6 ounces, it's a tad on the heavy side, but for what it packs inside the body, we can't really complain. The camera's interface is easy to navigate on the 2.5-inch LCD. All of the buttons and dials are located in convenient, easy-to-find locations. We would have liked the power button to protrude from the body a bit more, to make it easier to push.

Power-up time is a speedy 1.3 seconds, and shutter lag is virtually nonexistent. Shot to-shot time could be a bit better at 3.5 seconds without flash and 5.3 seconds with flash. But if you want to shoot quickly, just switch the camera into Quick-Shot mode; you have to use the optical viewfinder instead
of the LCD to flame shots, but shot-to-shot time drops to less than 2 seconds.

The SD990 produces crisp and clear images in all kinds of light, even with the flash off, and the 3.7x optical zoom allows for a great deal of flexibility when shooting. Pictures we snapped in a moderately lit restaurant at night came out clear as day, and color representation was amazing. All hues were
impressively blight and properly saturated.

Images got a bit noisy at ISO 800 and above. The optical image stabilization performed respectably, especially in better lighting.-Jonathan Rougeot

Computer Shopper January 2009